sábado, 18 de abril de 2009

a fork in the road

Sometimes truth, raw cutting truth hits you like a brick. It’s what you’ve been searching for all along, but acknowledging it is heavy. It means something. It requires change. Big radical life-changing change. Truth with a capital ‘T’ puts a fork in the road. We can either walk away from it or take a new path in light of that Truth and things will never go back to the way they were before.

I’ve been going through Matthew, (1st book of the new testament of the Bible) something I haven’t done since I was little. I’m learning that Jesus’ words are deep, almost painful. I claim to follow Him, but do I really know what that means? Maybe following someone is more than reading their words, its living that out. I have had conversations with people who aren’t sure about God ask me, “If there is a God, why is there so much pain and suffering in this world?” That’s something that’s bothered me for a long time too.

But maybe it’s because people like me with the education and resources don’t do anything about it.

Once I acknowledge that truth, there is no going back to the way it used to be. All this ‘stuff’ I have makes me sick to my stomach. Yeah, I might be a poor student with no steady income… But I still manage to eat (sometimes too much) and buy clothes (beyond the point of need) and seek entertainment (I certainly watch more TV or play on the internet more than I volunteer), and be caught up in MY life, this black hole of materialism and self… Maybe that’s where free will and all this injustice in our world ties together. Maybe God granted us free will, and some with material blessings to lavishly give to those who struggle.

God calls us to be good stewards of our talents (money, resources, time and intellectual gifts) Does that just mean not going into debt and buying in moderation? What about the people who worry about where they are going to sleep when it rains? Or can’t feed their family consistently? What about the generationally poor people? The beggars? The orphans? They have a bit more to worry about than “living in moderation.” Jesus doesn’t say “if you give…” He teaches us “when you give” (Matthew 6). He assumes we give. He commands it. It’s so true, He continues… Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Mt 6:21) So check your bank statements. Where is your heart at? I say I care so much about these kids, those who suffer, but on a material account I sure don’t give the majority of my resources to changing that. The Bible tells us to give 10% of our resources to the church. [Sad statistic, the average ‘Christian’ in America only gives 2-3% and the average person under age 25 is 0%... ouch] But it has to be more than that. We have to give more than just to the church. Our lives should be an outpouring. How much more if we are economically blessed?? How can I reconcile a just God when 30,000 children a day die of hunger?? How can I be ok with that? How can I be so numb? How can I be content to live in excess? In light of those dying and suffering when I dump out food everyday, how could I possibly be content frivolously spending ‘my’ money?

Something has got to change. If I start walking down this new path in light of His Truth, it can’t be how it was before. It’s not possible. Maybe compassion and justice is in our hands. Maybe we have to live fighting for this truth. Aren’t we all human after all? Don’t we all deserve the chance to live?

I’m not too young or too poor or too far removed to do something about this world’s inequality. Its simple math. Those who have a lot give a lot to those who have nothing and we all can have a little. It’s just hard to do. Money has a way of gripping our hearts, and this self-entitlement creeps in… “but I worked for it, but I deserve it” But I was also born into a family that lives in the wealthiest nation in the world, that can provide for me a roof over my head, food in abundance every day of my life and a college education.

HOLY COW. Someday soon my computer will break and my clothes will tear and all this material crap won’t mean anything anymore. But people do. People always matter, and people deserve to know Jesus through His followers who give generously and live out His gospel, because all we have is all we’ve been given after all.

And until I do something radical, it’s never going to change. I have to put the majority of my time and my resources into causes that honor the words of Jesus, serving and pouring my life out to those who suffer. “To whom much is given, much is required” (Luke 12:48). [Note that He does not say, much is asked, much is welcomed, NO it is expected as a follower of Jesus and is a requirement.] Maybe today is the first day I am truly living with the weight of that responsibility.

Someone hold me accountable; someone care; someone else be passionate about this with me and take this new path in the light of His Truth.

*seriously if you read this, please talk to me, this has shaken up my world and I want to do something, I want to change and I can’t do it alone*

4 comentarios:

  1. Injustice hits everybody sooner or later, most people just shrug their shoulders and move on. This blog is the first step in showing that you are not one of those people. However, that is all it is and I hope you will take the next one soon.

    Knowing you for several years, I think your mission in life is clear: help people and make a difference. When you look back at your life at 60, is that what would give you that sense of life accomplishment we all so desperately crave? Or do you want to take the other road from the fork, do something you don't really care about. There are 2 pains in life: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Decide which one you want.

    I don't think giving money to "church" is the answer to your distress.

    I think there are a plenty of people in this world that are willing to spread their wealth. I do not think there are enough people that know the best way to allocate that wealth, however. I could see you being great at this very task. So much so, that I would contribute money to you, and maybe find others that would. Because frankly, the majority of the population has goals in life other than helping people. And for many it is accumulating wealth.

    Think about it

  2. So I wrote a ton, tried to post it, couldn't and lost all of it. So I'll do my best to rewrite what was lost.

    Your broken heart for the less fortunate is inspiring. I can't help but be broken when I see the pain that has been in the world for so long but also the fact that Americans are now crying because they realize they are not free from the same pain the rest of the world endures and has endured for so long. It hurts especially when I sit in church and the pastor has to call out the congregation for their lack of giving. That statistic of people tithing is very sad. Although I am poor, it does not mean that I shouldn't tithe. It's actually the new church fad: Congregations being called out for their greed. Is it a fad though? People only apply it to their life more only because we are told that we are in a recession.

    Americans and many of the west are now realizing that money and success are not eternal and are not reliable securities. Many people in this country are realizing how much they actually worship THEMSELVES and their monetary value and success through this recession. What many fail to realize though is this: The majority of the world hit by this recession was already in recession. Is free market capitalism a big part to blame for the suffering? Maybe. Let's not forget that pain and suffering existed in this world well before people knew the western world even existed. At the same time, it has done nothing but make many people greedy and full of themselves, even to the point where they laugh at the suffering. I don't think it's what the forefathers of America intended (although now, one would think it was inevitable it would turn out this way).

    As a Christian, you understand what many Christians fail to: We need to only find security in God. God created ALL people to love one another and to glorify and worship Him through all that they do. It's actually a matter of science. People are looking to worship, which is what God created us to do. But rather than worship God, we worship ourselves, our money and our success. Somehow, we mixed Christianity and the prosperity gospel, which says God wants you to be rich of the materials of the world. That's just selfishness using God as a scapegoat. How contradictory is to the Bible is that? It was Jesus that said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

    Today's capitalism has only taught us to be very selfish and greedy and that we should only donate because it's tax deductible. While there are many who give graciously and out of compassion, there are more who are for self fulfillment. It is so contradictory when Jesus tells us to walk in humility, humbleness and to be selfless.

    Everyone in the middle and upper class should have this life mission of helping people and making a difference because they CAN. On what grounds should they have this mission though? Is it for self fulfillment? Is it to be an example for those who are looking to help the world? Is it because God commands us to have compassion for the less fortunate and as Christians seek to become more like Christ, gain growing compassion? I believe Jesus is a good example of how we should be towards people. So good, Mother Theresa followed it.

    So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

    Anyone reading that cannot argue against Jesus but only against the people that follow Jesus.

    What about this one: "Then Jesus told his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." How many Christians actually ask themselves if they do this? I can't help but realize how much more I point the finger at myself before I do to others. It's pretty radical, no? But, I am a radical Christian.

    Many people get so caught up in the pain and suffering in the world that they end up not doing anything about it. Some realize that there's way too much and that their effort wouldn't even put a dent in ending the troubles. Others choose to not think about it because it hurts too much so they live with a hardened heart. Either way, it's selfish. Many of those fortunate to make a living are guilty.

    For those wondering why God would allow so much pain and evil in this world, here are some quotes:

    The world wants God to go away and wonders where he is when it all goes wrong.

    God has always wanted the worlds attention, at no other time do people consider God than whenever there is pain.

    What springs from myself and not from God is evil: it is a perversion of something of God's.

    Pain is God's megaphone...to rouse a deaf world.

    God does indeed provide us with some transient joy, pleasure, and even ecstasy here but never permanent security, otherwise we might mistake our pleasant inns for home.

    Believe me when I say this: Christians struggle as much as non Christians with the fact that there is so much evil in this world. So many people believe that if God is a God of love and is all powerful then He would end all pain and evil in this world. Since there is evil in the world, either God is not love or He is not powerful enough.

    I personally will never full ever understand why God lets children die of starvation, people get killed, women get raped, and so on. But I know that He is an artist and that He wants to use us.

    Just because He lets evil happen in the world doesn't mean He's broken hearted. We saw that in Jesus. He had compassion over the broken. Take the blame as a student with an extraordinary education. Take the blame as a 6 figure businessman. Take the blame as a member of the bloggosphere who sits and does nothing but complain and post. Take the blame as a broker on Wall Street. Take the blame as the President of the United States. But don't just sit there and mope. Do something about it. Christ had compassion and did something about it. To the point of death on the cross. It's because of His death and His resurrection that we have an opportunity to show the world something that overcomes all evil and suffering. It doesn't make it all go away. It does get us through it though.

    It is encouraging to me that you would post this blog because I am currently putting together a mission statement for the new service team for Crusade this fall. This post helped me really analyze why we should have compassion and be compelled to be servants to everyone.

    Suffering and evil happens. Have compassion towards those who are suffering. Remember this though: Jesus took the ultimate suffering and pain for a crime He didn't commit...for our good. You're right, it's not about you, it's not about me. It's about Jesus.

    Ps. Sorry this is so long. I just felt the need to respond to such a compelling post. Thank you.

  3. Hey lady,

    I'm not a religious person and thus can't really talk to you about the Jesus part, but if you ever feel like 'taking' a coffee and talking about the service part, I'd totally be up for it. Let me know.


  4. joy,

    i am not a christian myself, but i've also had conflicting thoughts such as these, and when i read your post, this immediately came to mind:

    *listen to this first:

    *now go here and watch this video/read the commentary

    i hope you find this as moving as i have. and as inspiring, and comforting to know that you're not alone in these thoughts.

    lauren :)
